Wednesday, July 30, 2008


We are excited to officially announce that we will be adding a new member to the Gray household! Yes, we are expecting a new baby in February 2009! We heard the heartbeat for the first time today. The boys claim to be excited but I can tell they aren't quite sure what to expect. It's a whole new adventure and we are really excited to see what February brings!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wild Waves

Trenton is 9!! Can you believe it???? The day before his birthday he had his Nina and Grandpa here to have cake and celebrate his birthday. A couple of neighbors came over and they played in the bounce house, slid on the slip 'n slide, and sprayed each other with water guns.

As part of the ongoing celebration we also took the boys and one friend to Wild Waves for the day. It was the perfect day! The weather was wonderful, the park wasn't crowded and we spent all day playing in the water and on the park rides. Trenton rode the loop roller coaster all by himself. All the boys had fun and were wore out by the end of the day. Both Dave and I were exhausted by the end but it was fun to see the boys having so much fun. Enjoy some of the pictures!

Caden's Naughty Day

The other day Caden couldn't seem to keep himself under control. While brushing the cat, I noticed that he was missing a chunk of hair AND all of his whiskers had been clipped short. When confronted he blamed the mishap on our fish. Apparently they had decided that Obi needed a whisker trim. Later I noticed that he had also trimmed up a pair of his pants AND cut apart his brother's scarf. Of course, the scissors have been put away and a strict warning has been given about how and when to use scissors. Later that day after, playing with his friend, he came home with drawings all over his body! I couldn't believe he let someone write all over him. I have no idea who's idea it was but Caden seemed to think his new "tatoos" were cool. His naughtiness seemed to be leaking out all over the place that day. Anyhow, I hope this picture of Obi's whiskers is clear enough to see the damage.

Sorry, not sure why this picture keeps posting sideways! Guess we'll just call it an artistic photo!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

1st Lost Tooth

Caden lost his first tooth! Well, technically, Daddy pulled it out. I couldn't believe that Caden was brave enough to let him try. First they tried to pull it out with floss but in the end he just grabbed and pulled. Caden didn't even know it was missing at first. He was so excited to wake up the next morning to find that the tooth fairy had left him $1.50! What an exciting day!