Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bad picture, but a great time!

On Sunday we went to the Maroon 5 concert at the White RiverAmphitheater in Auburn. We had such a great time! For those that don't know, I'm a huge Maroon 5 fan and was so excited to see them in concert. I've only seen a handful of bands play live so it was great to make them one of them. Counting Crows also played as well as a group called Augustana. All the groups were awesome and both Dave and I had a great time!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Karate Student

Well, Caden is officially a karate student. He took his first class on Monday. This is a big year for him, he is starting kindergarten, karate and playing soccer all at the same time. Soccer only lasts through October but I can tell this new schedule is going to wear my little guy out. I know he' having fun, but he still gets a little cranky. Hopefully he will adjust soon to the new schedule.


We decided to go on a little overnight camping trip this past weekend. I bought Dave a tent a few years back. Dave didn't specify that he was hoping for a smaller tent, and I got about the biggest one I could find. Dave calls it the "King Dome."
The boys always have a great time camping. We camped at Deception Pass and it really was a very nice campground. My favorite part was the hot shower in the morning;-) We set up the tent, ate s'mores, and of course told scary stories. We don't go often, but when we do the boys really love it!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back to School

First day of school! I used to love going back to school each fall. I see the same spark in Trenton's eyes whenever we get close to the beginning of September. He can hardly wait to get back to class and see all his friends. This year he is in 4th grade! He has a new teacher to the school. His teacher's name is Mr. Beach. Caden is also very excited about school this year. He is finally in Kindergarten. I'm not sure if he is more excited about school starting or the fact that he will get to ride the bus! Here are a few pictures from their first day of school. Caden's teacher is Miss Johnson. I think both kids will have a fun school year!