Monday, December 1, 2008

It's been too long!

It's been way too long since I've posted to my blog! Sorry to both of you faithful viewers!
Anyhow, we've been busy but with nothing special.

Some of the recent highlights:

* Trenton participated in his first karate tournament! He won 1st and 4th place in his two events.
*Caden finished up his soccer year. He had an excellent season...scoring at least 4 goals per game.
* Trenton moved up to orange belt with black stripe in karate. Next time he will move to purple belt (February / March)
* Caden started karate. Watch out Trenton!
*Trenton decided to join basketball. This is his first real experience with the sport. His first game is Saturday!
*Marnie's belly keeps getting bigger and bigger.
* Dave has been working a lot and been very helpful around the house.
* We visited friends in CleElum for Thanksgiving.
* Marnie got up at 3:30 to do some Black Friday shopping.....CRAZY!!

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