Thursday, February 28, 2008


Okay, you probably only know this about me if you went to my elementary school but I used to make paper dolls and paper doll clothes all the time! I had quite the paper doll empire going. I designed all of the dolls and clothing myself. All the other girls were asking me to make them some dolls and I'd spend my recesses, after school and any spare time making these silly paper dolls. Anyhow, finally my parents told me I wasn't able to do it any more unless...I SOLD THEM! I couldn't believe they wanted me to sell my creations. I think I started selling them for a quarter for a doll and 5 or 6 outfits. Finally, everyone had an "original Marnie creation" and we all started growing out of paper dolls and onto boys. When I look back, designing all those paper dolls was one of the funnest things I ever did. I was able to be creative (surprise) and I felt so proud that everyone wanted one of my creations. Maybe that is why one of my favorite shows on t.v. is Project Runway. Every Wednesday night I sit glued to my t.v. watching the new fashions walk down the runway. Next week the season will be over and I'll patiently wait for the new season to begin. If you have never seen the show, it is so much fun and encourage you to watch it (Bravo, Wed. nights.) I won't go into all the details but basically, it is a group of unknown designers who come in to compete against each other for a opportunity to show their clothing collections during fashion week. They are given all kinds of wacky competitions and asked to design clothing for unusual situations or out of unconventional materials. It's great to see what they all come up with. Pictured above you will see my favorite designer from this year, Jillian. She has some great details in her work and she always produces these amazing jackets! I don't know who will win, but my vote is definitely for Jillian. I'd love to hear if you also watch Project Runway and who you are hoping will win it all!

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