Monday, February 4, 2008

Moments to Remember

A few weeks ago, Caden was "Star of the Week" at his preschool. He was so excitedfor his special week to arrive. We made a poster with lot's of pictures of him over the years. He was so funny because he didn't want any BABY pictures! I still put some on (of course!) but it shows what a "big boy" he is becoming. I can hardly believe how much he has changed this year. Anyhow, during his special week he somehow got it in his head that he wanted his daddy to come to school with him and tell his classmates about what he (Dave) does at work. Now, Dave's job isn't all that interesting to little kids, but Caden was so determined to get his daddy there that we talked to the teacher and she gave Dave the okay to come in and chat with the kids the last 15 minutes of the day. Caden was SO proud to see his daddy walk through those doors. It was a melt your heart moment! Dave brought with him a box, and all the kids were excited to find out what was inside. Since most of Dave's job I don't even understand, he decided to talk to the kids about safety on his job sites. They got to guess what kinds of items were needed to be safe. Surprisingly, they did a good job of mentioning things like hardhats, gloves, and safety goggles. Dave had one little boy volunteer, and that boy got to come to the front with Dave and put on all of the "goodies" and safety gear that Dave had brought for them. Dave brought a little kids tool belt and tools for the kids to keep in their classroom. They were so excited to be adding such fun toys to their class. One of the things that came with the tool belt was a tape measure. All the kids wanted Dave to measure how tall they were and it was adorable to see them all get so involved and excited. Dave did an excellent job with the presentation, but the best part of all was seeing Caden so proud of his daddy. I know someday he will look back and remember special moments like this, when Daddy took the time to do something special just for him.

1 comment:

Susan S. said...

Hello...........anybody there? I seem to be missing out on the details of your life. Blog please!