Monday, January 28, 2008


I've been waiting for it to snow for the past few days.
Saturday it started to snow just a little and then didn't do much at all. We woke up this morning to about 4-5 inches of beautiful snow. It was so pretty. Of course what really woke me up was the school's automated phone system calling at 5:20 a.m. to let us know that school would be closed! I quickly turned my alarm to OFF and went back to sleep. When I woke up again it was practically a blizzard. We had easily gained another inch or so of snow. Since then it has definitely stopped and it even seems as though the snow may be melting somewhat. The kids of course love the snow and wish it would stick around forever. I think that we are supposed to get more snow tonight which means that roads could be potentially very bad in the morning. Please drive safely everyone!

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